Personal Reflections

Hi everyone! I have been trying to think about what to write about but thankfully Facebook Memories helped me with a topic. I have seen posts of me posting about 9+ years ago about my journey to getting my education/LLPC and eventually my LPC. I realized that my recent education journey started about 20 years ago.

I was laid off from work, had just met my ex-husband, and added two beautiful daughters to my family, meaning I now had 3 children ages 5 and under. Two of them are a month apart. I was determined to reach my goals which at the time were Medical Office Administration and Medical Transcription, which I did achieve. I managed to 4.0 in all three of my classes in my first semester back at LCC, which was a first for me.

I spent 5-6 years at LCC getting my two Associate degrees along with numerous Certificates of Achievement and Completion. I went full-time even when I had health issues because I was trying to teach my children the value and importance of education. Because of my health issues, it took me longer to graduate, but I did with a 3.0+ GPA. I had decided during my last semester at LCC that I wanted to pursue my teaching certification since I had always wanted to be a teacher.

While at LCC I was still active with my children’s education and became a Girl Scout Leader for about 3-4 years. During this time, I managed 10+ girls and finances along with planning for weekly meetings. The girls that were in my troop became like my children and I still think about them to this day.

I transferred to Spring Arbor University for the Family Life Education Bachelor program. I enjoyed my 18 months with that cohort and still think of all the fun we had as we shared weekly meals together. I learned that there are all types of teachers and to pursue my passion I didn’t really need a teaching certification.

At some point during my internship for my Bachelor’s degree, I decided that I wanted to go into counseling, so I applied for the Master of Arts Counseling program at Spring Arbor and I was so thrilled that I got in. This was in 2011 on my birthday when I found out I would be going for my master’s degree. For the next 2-3 years I worked hard on learning everything I could about mental health and counseling techniques, in fact, I am still learning new things to this day.

In May 2014, I graduated with my 4th degree a Masters of Arts in Counseling. I was then approved to become a LLPC and for the next 3 years, I worked as much as I could and read multiple books and articles in order to get my LPC. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I have been out of school for 9 years, and I am still learning every day.

Fast forward to 2023, I have received my CAADC which is the Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor certification and I have been working at CMH for the past 1 1/2 years as a Mental Health Therapist for substance abuse. I have three beautiful/handsome grandchildren that I love more than life.

I am surprised at where I have ended up when 20 years ago I had a clear picture of what I wanted to do, but I have learned that things happen for a reason. I don’t want anyone to think I wrote about my educational journey for the past 2 decades because I feel I am better than myself because that is not the truth. I posted this to show that things happen and can knock you off your path but sometimes that is what is needed in order to get you to the place you are supposed to be.

Just remember that things happen for a reason and to keep on your path, but be flexible when you reach roadblocks because sometimes they happen for your protection. Just like things happen to change your friends for a reason, your path or desire may change.

Until next time, keep moving forward.